

I've been trying to sit down and write all week. You'd think with all the free time I have on my hands, I'd be writing non-stop. But I just can't get it down. I'm processing a lot of stuff with being laid off and the exciting prospect of where this is going to take me next. I write every day, but nothing really post-worthy. Or nothing I really care to post. But I want to be a dependable and responsible blogger. I don't want my millions of fans to be put on hold for my emotional well-being.

Today, realizing that it had been a week since my last post, I tried to force it and was writing some bullshit about some stuff I've been thinking about. It's good stuff to write about, it's just that I haven't taken the time to let everything soak in so my brain is kind of firing off in a billion different directions. So I decide to try to find this link I want to include in it and I come across the Follow Your Bliss Compass. Naturally I spun it.
refresh your spirit with some creative incubation
Thank you, Follow Your Bliss Compass. Don't mind if I do.

In the meantime, I'm re-designing and moving the blog to my own domain. So, just hold tight. The next post will be a link to my new home.