I am so sorry I haven't written in so long. I have been knee deep in research on my newest

I know I'm behind the times. We're already two or three episodes into season two, so that's why I've been doing research.
No. Seriously. I've been
reading up on the Coreys -- especially Haim because he's the most tragic and you know how I love tragic -- for days. I've watched past episodes on You Tube. It started this past weekend while I was on house arrest for that little incident I had in Kentucky a couple of months back. I decided to use my time at home to catch up on some marathon television watching.
As is usually the case with vacations and returning home, as soon as I got back from Nevis I was slammed with work.
Kev: Hey! Did you have a good trip?
Me: Yeah. It was awesome.
Kev: Great! So, here's a request for proposal you're going to have to do over the internet with big name company on Tuesday and then we have an event with other big name company on Friday. They want custom linens and couch covers made from black cashmere. They load in at 4AM Thursday. Welcome home.
Because I'm good, I got it all done. But it totally put a cramp in my Welcome Back to America TV time I had planned. Going on vacation is fantastic, but almost as fantastic is coming home from vacation to have a week's worth of DVR material saved up to watch all at one time. So, when I was on my Jefferson County, Kentucky imposed "time out", I caught up on all I had missed in the two weeks I had been away from my beloved DVR, and still had time to explore new shows. That's how I found the Coreys.
I knew about the show, of course. But I never made the effort to find out when it was on and set the DVR to record it. And, since the DVR came into my life, this is pretty much the only way for me to see shows. I have no tolerance for commercials, and on the off chance I do happen to hit [GUIDE] instead of [LIST] and I see something interesting, I watch until the first commercial then I hit record and come back for the rest later.
Side note: You know, I've been working on my tendency to be a control freak and I've been feeling like I've gotten so much better. But, I think I just realized that maybe I haven't gotten better. I think I've just transferred my control to my DVR. It has turned me into the world's most efficient television watcher. My remote control reflexes are catlike in their speed and precision. Erica's pretty good too, but I'm definitely the best. Our rule is, "Fuck up once, try again. Fuck up twice, hand it over." She's handed it over way more than I have.
Anyway. Back to the Coreys. I saw that a couple of episodes were on so I hit record and later in the day I came back to watch. Have you seen this show people? It is phenomenal! And by phenomenal I mean pathetic.
It is heartbreaking and tragic and ... I mean. Did you know about this?

That's right. He's back and he had this published in
Variety to let everyone know.
I swear I am not making this up.
And, yes, that is a heart over the I in Haim, just like the pull-out poster I had from
Teen Beat so I know it's really him.
Dear readers, if you didn't already know, you are going to love this. Corey Haim and Corey Feldman are in couple's therapy to try to save their twenty-year friendship. And they're televising it for me and probably twenty or thirty other people who have too much time on their hands and too little discrimination about what they'll watch on television.
So, around the fourth session of therapy Haim decides that there are people who he needs to "You know, like, 'Yo. Um. My bad.' You know what I'm saying? Like, '
I'm sorry, or make amends" to. After therapy he goes home to do some soul-searching. With his assistant. He dictates while Nelle writes his list that includes all of his ex's and most of the 80's Hollywood teen set.
When the list starts hitting triple digits, Corey in a time-saving effort, decides that the best way is to just tell everyone that he's sorry all at the same time. And since, apparently, everyone he wants to make amends to has an agent (Winona Ryder, Alyssa Milano, Todd Bridges), he goes with an ad in
Variety. (Every time I type that, it makes me throw up a little bit, the humiliation I feel for him is so strong.) "It's on every agent's desk at 7 or 8 in the morning."
His dildo of an assistant who I am sure is a very sweet girl, and probably has his best interest (or her paycheck) in mind, just goes along with him.
Yeah Corey! That's a fantastic idea! Totally. You should totally do this. People will be so touched that you thought so much of them as to apologize in such a sweet way.
So sweet, in fact, that the unpleasantness of the "Yo. Um. My bad." part of the apology doesn't actually appear anywhere in the text. And the photo shoot was so important that he didn't even take the time to light a fresh cigarette off of the burning butt clinched in his "ready to work" fingers. People, that (and the, "This is not a stunt part.") proves just how much this is not a publicity stunt to get work. If you don't believe him, just write. corey@coreyhaim.tv. Feel free to attach any scripts you may have lying around.
It's killing me. I feel so bad for this guy. He's an addict and is not thinking straight and apparently he has no one around him to stop him from making an ass of himself in the most public way possible. Did you know he tried to sell his teeth and hair on ebay? Yep. Sure did. Were they his baby teeth? Nope. Adult sized molar is what I saw. Know why? Heroin. Oh my god. Can you stand it? I just hope that someone out there in A&E land is planning an, "Intervention," meets, "The Two Coreys" show very, very soon.jail,