And my people. I was having a blast. I felt so cosmopolitan, so Thoroughly Modern Millie I could barely stand it. If I hadn't recently lost my Armani sunglasses while out with a couple of 25 year olds, it would have been the perfect day.

I was home by 7:00.
I think the best part of the day was an IM conversation I had today that started after I got a phone message accusing me of screening my calls.
TP: i would have answered your call but I was on a plane and they wouldn't let me use my phone.
Dan: a plane?? where the hell are you?
TP: palm beach. i'll be back tonight.
Dan: u r 2 mucho
TP: I told you. I am a big time event producer. I flew down this AM, looked at two insane mansions and now I'm back at the airport where I plan to drown my "flight delayed" sorrows in free drinks at the crown room.
Dan: mansions? crown room? who the hell are you?
TP: I am The Princess.