And thanks to $150 per session therapy, I know that what I'm doing is called avoidance. What I'm going through is apparently too much for me and I can't mentally handle it.
It's obviously, about my mother.

She starves herself so that she has the "losing weight" symptom.
She hurts her back lifting a concrete birdbath, but makes sure everyone knows that back pain is a symptom of pancreatic cancer.
She called me to say that she was having a PET scan to look for pancreatic or liver cancer and that she called only because I requested to be informed of all health-related occurrences.
"I hate to ruin your day, but you said you wanted to know."
I thanked her for keeping me in the loop and asked when she'd get results.
"December 10."
"Okay. Call me when you find out."
So, at 8 PM on December 10, I call her to find out what's going on since I haven't heard from her all day.
Mom's not there. She's at work.
My sister A is picking up pizza.
V - who answered the phone - is on IM with her friend.
I ask V to have A call when she gets home.
An hour passes. (My hometown is 1 mile square in area.) So, I call back.
V answers again.
Me: Did you forget to tell A?
Her: No. She's getting out of the shower.
I end up on the phone with A and find out that they got the results in the morning and that everything was fine.
I got off the phone and drank until I threw up.
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