
Why You Gotta Bring Up Old Shit?

People. I am in a hail storm of my past. All of a sudden, I am being pelted with correspondence from people I haven't heard from in over a decade.

And, honestly, I'm not sure where I stand on the issue.

On one hand, it's fun and exciting to catch up with people who were once so important to you. Then there are the moments when your former co-worker from Blockbuster Video (and housemate) sends you info on how to get in touch with another Blockbuster Video employee who you were close with only to write him and never get a response. I mean. I know it's been a long time and most of our potential conversations will consist mainly of, "remember that time we got drunk at AJ's* and then got chicken from Guthrie's?**" Then there's this kid, Lanie. I, in a sense, grew up with Lanie. She is the younger sister of two of my closest friends from childhood. And I have known her since she was born, but I haven't seen her in years. Her older brother Jay told me that I should get in touch with her because he felt she and I would be friends.

Then he told me a story about two Seans he was friends with who he thought should meet -- seeing as how they shared the same name. And a friend named Jay. As the story goes, it didn't work out.

However, this Lanie thing is sweet. (Say it like Cartman would.) She's into literature. She's metropolitan. She's tattooed against her father's wishes. She's been to the Folsom Street Fair. She's my people. Or she at least understands my people.

So, what I'm saying is that I am reconnecting a lot lately and it's either working out or it isn't. I just find it curious that it is happening so suddenly and so abundantly. I'm sure it's totally a lesson. And seeing as how I just bought the Brain whatevercompetitiongame for Wii, I hope I don't miss out while trying to beat Erica's highest grade.

*AJ's, depending on the night of the week could be replaced with, Bullwinkle's, The Moon, Poor Paul's, or a slew of other bar names.
** Guthrie's orders never changed. They only had 5 things on the menu. Chicken Sandwich. Chicken Box. Slaw. Fries. Soda.
People. They were that good.

1 comment:

flea said...

People, Guthrie's was THAT GOOD. AJ's, Bullwinkles etc.....not so much. Princess, I promise to stay in touch forever so I never have to put you through reconnecting and thus interupting a brain bowl or any other Wii competition. I will say though, I googled the new brain game and it looks much more up my alley than the bowling game-I shall play that the next time I visit. I can get good fried chicken (real good fried chicken)where I live now, but can't get my hands on anything as good as "Gut-sauce" maybe they can ship it now?