Welcome to the 100th post of HRH And The Princess. I should have planned something significant for this occasion. I didn't.
So, I'm in Baltimore and I've finished working for the day. Because I've been on my feet stripping roses since 9AM, my coccyx is in agony. Actually, the pain has moved from my coccyx down to right below my butt cheeks. Maybe the muscles are over-compensating to try to protect my coccyx. Anyway. The point is, I'm finished working at 5PM -- usually unheard of on an event -- and I'm thrilled because my ass hurts.
I get to my room and find something on TV -- Judge Judy. It's an old favorite, and something I can tolerate while I nap until dinner time. Except. I can't relax. Every time a commercial comes on I instinctually reach for the remote control to fast forward. The Baltimore Waterfront Marriott does not offer DVR or Tivo in its guest rooms. I'm well aware of this, and I know that I can't fast-forward live TV under any circumstances on any piece of equipment. Yet. Every time.
Time Warner Cable has destroyed my ability to watch live TV. I don't even care about the schlock cases on Judge Judy, but I have an insane urge to get through the show as quickly as possible. It's like the more convenient and accessible life becomes, the faster we can get things, the less I am able to relax. I'm constantly in a hurry even when there's nothing to hurry for. I've put in a full day of work, I've accomplished everything I was supposed to accomplish today, but because the other guys haven't finished, I can't settle down. I try to watch crap TV and can't handle commercials so I have to come post about it because at least that's being productive.

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