If ever there were a sure sign I am on my way, it's this.

I just hope I make it there before she looses her mojo.
Posted by Stacy Beasley on my post entitled, "Priorities" from last October.
it is people like you that have given psoriasis its bad reputation......by your comments i see that you are the most shallow pile of compost i have ever seen.....you are rude and obviously believe that you are above people with a disability.....over 75% of the suffering that people endure is not the itching and flaking, but the idiots like you who make us feel like we are not fit to walk the streets.....and who makes you better than anyone else? well no matter what you think or have been raised to think in your spoiled rich bitch atmosphere, people with psoriasis are human and yes, it hurts when people like you talk such hatred over a condition we have no control.....maybe instead of snapping pics of this poor guy and posting them all over the internet, you could feel some compassion for another human being.....trust me, a piece of skin from a person with psoriasis is the least of your worries riding a public train......your kind makes me sick.....i would rather sit next to a person with psoriasis than your hateful snobby ass that thinks you are better than anyone else......beware honey, Karma is a BITCH! and so are you it seems!
well, the photo hardly looks like it was surreptitiously snapped on a crowded NY subway-i think you should write 1,000 sentances: "I will not make fun of people with psoriasis." with a Sharpie of course!
Wait a minute, you're RICH!
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