
Definition of Grateful

Occasionally I question my spelling ability. I know that Blogger usually catches my stuff, but there have been times ...

So. I was making sure that I had spelled "grateful" correctly and I came upon the definition.
Pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated.
Here's to the McCain/Palin ticket.

And an alleviated discomfort.

I am so excited about the future.


Gypsy said...


flea said...

I am grateful as well. I don't remember ever feeling such hopeful promise after an election. Here is to Obama's thoughtful judgement and his big giant brain! 4 years ago I voted for Kerry and knew even as I cast my vote that Bush was going to win, it still felt good to vote....but not as good as it felt this time because I believe and I voted!!!!

EdC said...

Yeah, he even won my vote...