

“Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss”- Alexander Dumas

Yes, dear readers my search for enlightenment continues. In fact I am thinking of going to the Tibet House to learn about Buddhism and mediation. The Tibet House actually has a weekly teaching on mediation that is supposed to be the best in the city. Of course, I have a dilemma because I might never take this course in mediation since it’s only offered on Tuesdays which also happens to be the day of my Pilates class with my favorite teacher, Tela. This is a serious dilemma to say the least do I want to achieve a stronger mind or a stronger body? It saddens me to realize that I’m shallow enough to say, body.

In Nicole Beland’s book she says, “Buddha taught that in order to avoid unhappiness, we must learn to curb our expectations and stay open to whatever life offers.” Honestly, achieving that might be the greatest struggle of my life, even harder than the work I do in Pilates. And let me tell you if you haven’t done the teaser you don’t know about hard work. Hello, why is my core the weakest part of my body? I have made a commitment to myself to rectify that.

But fear not, even thought The Princess thinks that I am overly obsessed with the gym I do have other areas of interest, like grooming, which leads me to ultimate bliss, which I achieved last Sunday appropriately enough at Bliss Spa. My sister and I went to Bliss for a facial and let me tell you, that was money well spent. And much, much easier than self reflection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should do the meditation. I can't wait to do something like that. Although, last time I meditated I had to wear maroon robes and we started by dancing to Madonna's Ray of Light. The New York one sounds better.