
Things Are Really Good Right Now

How gorgeous is the weather today? I hope everyone has this weather today.

New York has been so hot lately and we're finally getting a break. I despise sweating. Despise it.

As a kid I always imagined that New York's climate would be more like San Francisco. I now know I was misled about the weather in the North. It's just as hot and humid here as it was when I was shelling butter beans on my grandma's back porch.
You ain't never shelled butter beans? Well, you ain't lived 'till you shelled butter beans.
The thing is, in the South everyone has air conditioning. Every store, every home, every car has air conditioning. People can't afford health care or food, but you'd better believe they have that A/C cranking. Just ask Mr. Curtis.Except, of course, my grandma who would only turn hers on when we were having company, and then it would be restricted to the kitchen area only. So it was either suffer the heat or suffer the family.

Anyway. It's finally a gorgeous day. Erica has been outside all morning pruning the bushes and squealing about our backyard rats. "They're as big as fucking possums!"

I am pretty sure Erica has never even seen a possum.

I am enjoying the day from the couch. Though we have these huge windows that are wide open, so it's like I'm outside. I may even sit in one of them to make it really feel, you know, real. Or at least get Erica off my case.
It's so nice today, you should be out here. ... Eeeeeeek! Fuckers! There's another one!
As I'm sitting here, I can hear Erica talking with the neighbor over the fence. We're meeting friends tomorrow night, so I'm making plans with them via a someecard conversation. Chulo's sleeping under the couch with his new bone and it's just all so nice and, well, normal. I have to remind myself that we're a family because I so frequently realize that I'm actually surprised at the normalcy. Like we're portraying characters or something.

We've had such a nice weekend. Friday we had dinner with three of Erica's friends from work and then went to a bar where one of them read our Tarot cards. Fun! Yesterday after my DDP class, E and I had brunch then last night had dinner with our friends M&M (A&L were supposed to join, but their baby was sick) then went to a fantastically fun burlesque performance. Today is Sunday & that means a day of reading The Times together and watching CBS Sunday Morning. When I woke up Erica had made coffee and bought fresh bagels, scallion cream cheese and heirloom tomatoes. Awesome.

I love our life. I'm so happy these days and so thankful. I'm so thankful, I'm thinking of getting a tattoo that reads, "Thankful". I just have to find the proper font.

I hope you're all well and happy and enjoying your Sunday.



Jay said...

Comic Sans!

Anonymous said...

So you want to make a Go Baby Go! crown but your household is fresh out of carboard boxes.

Don't despair!

Lesbian bar napkins may be substitued and no one will tell the difference.

Tip: Remember not to take your hands off the table while making.

Susan said...

h - i will never see that scene without remembering you with that lesbian bar napkin on your head.

Anonymous said...

We have squirrels in the attic. There are about 3-4 of them. Someone told me to get a motion detected strobe light. They hate the light so much they won't come back. Do you have any Ga. advice?

Susan said...

My advice is peanuts. And acorns. And almonds. They love nuts.

Squirrels are adorable -- you should name them and learn to love them.

Anonymous said...

i have too seen a possum. on the internet, when i was researching how to blow the rats out of the tunnel they are burrowed in. fucking bastards.