Erica and I bought this rug recently. We ordered it in January. It was backordered until March. We got offers from Crate and Barrel to cancel the order because it was taking so long. But dear Smoking Baby did we want it. So we waited.
We've had it for three months now and every since it came in the door, I have hated this rug. For one, I hate the color. The photo is from my phone, so it's not super precise with tones, but it's a grey rug in a room of greens and oranges and I just feel like it's too light or something. I hate it.
Now, I do love the texture. It's super comfy and I sit on the floor a lot more than I used to. I even take naps there occasionally.
Of course, it's wool, so I end up having an asthma attack most times I do, but still. This isn't my problem with it.
This is the problem:
This rug sheds so much that I started calling it Mittens. You know like, "Aww. Mittens!" as I pull a strand off my clothing or a sloppy, gross wad out of Chulo's mouth when he can't work it out himself. It's like having a cat. A cat that I really, really despise. Whenever I'm picking up the wads, I'm usually mumbling, "Fucking cat."
I feel like we might as well have a Golden Retriever. I get asthma from Golden Retrievers. God knows they shed like maniacs. But they're Golden Retrievers. Anyone who knows a Golden, knows what I'm talking about.
I knew this Golden Retriever once -- Casey. During the early nineties, Casey adopted an injured quail -- eventually dubbed Dan, of course. What kind of animal, bred to retrieve dead animals, adopts a live, injured quail and loves it back to health? At least that's the story I remember. My friend, Jay, who was Casey's owner may remember a different story (probably the accurate one -- I have a tendency to amend history in my mind), but that's what I think happened. I definitely know Casey had a quail during Dan Quayle's Vice Presidency and his family named the quail Dan. And, to me, that's story enough.
So, what I'm saying is that Golden Retrievers are way more worth the extra effort than this fucking feline rug that spreads its fur not only all over the interior of our place, but it trails into the hallway. I've found pieces in the yard. There are strands on my shirt right this very minute.
And now, Mittens, cat I never wanted, has developed the mange.
Actually, Casey kidnapped the quail - which ultimately turned out to be a chicken. Dan Quail was a chicken (ha!). And he wasn't injured, just appeared to be because it was covered in dog slobber. So, while golden retrievers are bred to retrieve dead animals, Casey's forte was licking things half to death.
So none of this has anything to do with your rug - but I just wonder how hard it is to vacuum.
If you took that rug, spread cat hair all over it, didn't vacuum it for 4 months, and tacked it up on every floor, wall and ceiling - it would be a close replica of our apartment in Williamsburg. (Oh hi Hope, it's yer mom!)
You guys are forgetting the most important part of the story of the quail turned chicken, which is that our dad raised it to a full-sized chicken inside the house, holding it in his lap as if it was a kitten, and tucking it underneath him in the la-z-boy chair to keep it warm. When it grew up into an adult chicken it stood on the back of the chair and they watched TV together.
that is a CATALOG rug, lovely-perfectly kept-comforatble-trouble free-water repellent-stain impervious-traction enhancing-flea repellent-self vacuuming-loads the dishwasher and walks the dog while you were out-CATALOG rug, tap E on the shoulder and tell her, you bought the wrong rug
Dan Quail was a chicken? And your dad kept it? Seriously? This may be a joke that I'm not getting, but I know your dad and frankly, I have no problem picturing him with a pet chicken.
I had forgotten, but I do remember the licking. Casey was a special dog.
How do I vacuum the cat? -- I actually pick up the big puffs by hand then I use the wand attachment. It takes forever. I do admit that occasionally I will grab wads and just drop them behind the fireplace screen until I'm heading to the kitchen. This sounds lazy, but truly, if I were to walk to the garbage can every time I picked one of those things up, I'd wear a hole through the floor.
Flea -- Tell her. Please. We have to get rid of this rug.
H -- I'm ignoring your attempt to find the silver lining in my Mittens cloud. It's evil. It's worse than when you used to put the spoons in the wrong slot in the drawer.
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