This morning I'm walking Chulo -- it's my week. That's the system. Erica does a week, I do a week. If it's your week you are in charge of feeding and walking Chulo every morning before work.
Erica actually has some system where she makes sure she is occupied downstairs in the bathroom until Chulo has become so frantic with starvation that I give in and feed him. So her week she just walks him. And frequently she will pull a whiny, "Will you walk him this morning? Puh-lease." Erica is a lazy dog owner. But, she's a good runner. As in errand runner. So, I let her get away with it. (Though I very rarely fall for that puh-lease crap.)

Guess who.
Mr. Bud in a bag.
No. Really. I swear.
He loves dogs and pigeons. So this man, who I run into at the shelter is not only a Budweiser lover, he's an animal lover too? People, my heart just pure swole up with love for this man.
As I looked up and saw him there in all his morning hair, bare-chested, hands full of crackers, leaning out of his window glory. Our eyes met and gave me a huge smile. And he yelled down something ... about the birds I think, or maybe it was about Chulo. Who knows? It's hard enough to decipher what he's saying when we're face to face on the street. From three stories up, it's impossible. But I think he remembered me this time and I think he might love me too.
I know he tried to hide his Bud from me on our first date, but things are moving so quickly. I think the next drink's gonna have to be on me.

at this point, I need a first name
ahh Susan...this sounds so much like you I can't help but smile. Lost and helpless critters...
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