In the past three weeks I have:
That's right. I am a housewife who is addicted to the Spirit Channel. (I am also a bartender at a nice little lesbian bar in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn. A story for another time.)
- Roasted two chickens.
- Made chicken pot pie from roasted chicken leftovers.
- Fed Erica roasted chicken of some sort three days in a row for lunch.
- Baked chocolate chip cookies.
- Baked pumpkin bread.
- Prepared dinner almost every night.
- Set the table for dinner.
- Used linen napkins for dinner.
- Googled (and implemented) special napkin folds.
- Packed lunch for Erica almost every day.
- Bonded with the dog.
- Gone to the park with the dog.
- Bathed the dog.
- Cleaned out the fireplace.
- Reorganized the kitchen drawer.
- Washed every item of clothing we've worn.
- Washed and washed and washed dishes.
- Cleaned out the kitchen cabinets.
- Reorganized the bathroom cabinet.
- Listened to over twenty episodes of Oprah's Soul Series.
Know what else? I love it.
Truly. I am so happy these days. My relationship with Erica is healthier than it's ever been. My stress level is zero. (Erica's is only a 15. That alone is a Christmas miracle.) I just have this feeling that everything is exactly as it should be right now. And I've been given this amazing opportunity to make a change in my life and decide what direction I want to go in. It's pretty great.
The first thing I realized after being laid off from the event business (again) was that I have no interest in going back into the event business. It was always something that I had fallen into, not something that I had fallen in love with. What I have fallen in love with, is writing. So, here's the plan:
1. Stay at home and write. (Or go to the park and write. Or a cafe. The zoo. You get the point.)
2. Write the stuff I want to write the way I want to write it.
3. Have someone pay me to do it.
I am so excited.
You'll be getting no fancy-pants folds in your linen napkins at MY house missy.
Well, I guess I'll just have to do it myself.
how was the chicken?.....I have given up on roasting my own ever since the grocery stores will do it for me
It was so easy. The only bad thing is the pre-roasting wash out the cavity part.
And digging out those ... things. Eww.
the first time i cooked a turkey i forgot to remove the gizzard/neck/innerds, they were roatsted to fine perfection along with the wax paper they were wrapped in, mmmmmmmmmmmm
sounds like you are getting very domestic...martha stewart
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