I hate when HRH is right. I mean, it's bad enough that my girlfriend likes to torture me by saying that HRH is funnier than I am (she is NOT funnier than me.), but to have to admit to you, my loyal fans, that she's been right about her L-Train rants. All 472 of them. It hurts the heart.
This past week I was commuting into work and I missed the station for my transfer from the F to the 6 so I ended up at 6th Avenue and had to take the L train over to Union Square. For you non-New Yorkers, this is a one-stop trip that should take approximately 3 minutes. Total.
As I walk down to the L platform I see these signs. Little lighted signs that give you the date and time and then ... it changes and tells you how many minutes you have until the next train comes.
At first I was pissed. HRH bitches and bitches about this L train and here I find this sign bullshit. Seriously. No other train line has that. And the L train was the first line to get all new fancy train cars. And she complains about crowds and waiting forever. At least she can know precisely when the next train is coming. That is huge. I know that usually you can get a train to appear if you hold up one foot while peering into the tunnel looking for lights. But on those days that you've lost your mojo, having a countdown would allow you to simply sit down and wait rather than returning to the edge of the platform repeatedly while thinking, "Maybe I should try my left foot. Maybe that's the one that will bring the train."
Then I see this.
(I know it's a badly framed photo, but that number on top is a 1 and I got excited.) Yay! I'm going towards Brooklyn. The next train is in one minute. Yippee! What is HRH whining about?
And a minute passes. The 1 is replaced by a happily blinking 0, excitedly announcing, "It's here! It's here! Here's your train! Come on! We're going!" But, the 0 lies. There is no train.
The 0 continues to lie for another 6 minutes. That's right -- until the secondary timer predicting the next train hits 0 as well. Blinking commences.
Still no train. And now I have two 0's blinking their lies at me and it's just too much for a simple Princess to bear.
Apologizing to HRH in my head, I make my way upstairs and walk to Union Square.
Could be..
Who knows...
There's something due anyday, I will know right away, soon as it shows....
obviously you shifted your weight onto the wrong foot....reaching for a tic tac maybe?
esta una nueva policia de la puerta, si?
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