
First Dumbledore. Now this?

So. J.K. says Dumbledore is gay. Well, J.K. ... duh.

Know who else is gay? Neville. And that Looney girl. And Moaning Myrtle. Before Myrtle died and moved to the toilet, she was the star rugby player. Know what I'm saying?

Moving on.

Hi my people. How's your weekend? Mine has been just chock-full-o excitement. Yesterday I spent 13 hours packing and organizing and entering everything into my Excel spreadsheet. It rocked. Truly -- I love that kind of shit. I threw out old clothes, I FINALLY talked Erica into getting rid of her ancient and hideous Rollerblades, as well as her equally ancient and hideous super-sized, multi-pocketed fanny pack. Praise Smoking Baby.

This morning, we got up and did the ACS Breast Cancer Walk with our friend Edna. Five miles through Central Park and then down Central Park West. We get home around 1:30 and as we're taking off our Bosom Buddies, We're Walking With Edna 2007, t-shirts, I ask, "We should at least wait until tomorrow to throw these away, right?"

I'm awful, I know, but I'll never wear it again. I don't sleep in T-shirts. And I just decided yesterday to do a Tim Gunn style editing of my wardrobe, so it's got to go. What can I do?

Anyway. The thing that really prompted me to post today. Years ago HeatherJeanne and I were at a Miss America Pageant Party at Dan & Patrick's place. We were all instructed to come as our favorite contestant and be prepared to compete in a talent contest. The talent competition was won by a woman who performed Dancing Queen by Abba in sign language.

Obviously, we forced her to perform it over and over until we could all do it.

So, for years HeatherJeanne & I have performed it everytime it came on the radio. Or when we heard it in a club. We performed it frequently at karaoke.

We taught other people.

Today HeatherJeanne sends me a YouTube link to this video.

People. If this woman knows sign language better than she knows fashion then, all this time, all these years, all those nights at karaoke ... we were doing it wrong.

Now, I struggled with revealing this link to my adoring fans ... many of you have seen me perform Dancing Queen. Some of you asked to be taught. And I taught you. So I allowed myself to feel ashamed. But, who wouldn't? HeatherJeanne claims to have seen this video several years prior to sharing it with me this morning. My first reaction was to hate her for allowing me to continue performing Dancing Queen incorrectly for all this time, but then I understood that HeatherJeanne had been suffering the same shock and humiliation I felt this morning. And she's been suffering silently all these years.

I decided, "No. I will not allow this knowledge to eat at me. I will be honest with my fans." And I thought, my fans aren't really with me all the time, so I could still do Dancing Queen ... I'd just have to be more cautious about not doing it in front of actual deaf people.

And then I thought, even if I did perform it with one of my fans around, the only one who would ever be horrible enough to call me out on it would be HRH. So, I just will never do it in front of her.

Sadly, the truth is, I plan to obsessively study this woman's moves (sans bad dancing) and keep on showing off like this never happened.


patrick said...

Oh the good old days of Channon signing to Dancing Queen in Billyburg.

flea said...

I forgot to tell you, I COMPLETELY understand the satisfaction of the excel packing list...does it go something like this??? - list the contents of each box packed, copy goes in the box and to a master file so when Erica asks "where is my rotisserie skewer?", the answer is "why dear, it is in box 14, with the ramekins and bargeque sauce brush". I'm thinking the boxes are numbered on all vertical surfaces so the # can be seen no matter which way the movers face the box. It's just the way I am.

Sector C said...

I second flea's packing obsession. This is the organizational skill-level about which I fantasize. Often.

Susan said...

exactly flea. except the boxes are numbered on the top as well.
they also feature cute notes to my movers like, "you look sexy when you carry heavy things!"

i like to keep my workers motivated.