Erica sends me a message yesterday ... "I have a surprise for you when you get home from belly dancing class!"
I reply, "A cupcake?"
I love cupcakes people. Really. A lot. But not just any cupcake. It has to be a perfectly, not too moist, cupcake with the perfect cream cheese icing. Not that gross sugary fake icing. Nor any fancy flavored weird icing. (I am equally as particular about my cookies.)
Now, my Erica knows the perfect cupcake, so when she has cupcakes, I get excited.

Anyway. In belly dancing class when HRH is seated on the floor next to me after adamantly insisting that she will not participate in the "groups of five" performance of the correography we've learned (some childhood trauma caused in some story involving Ganesh, finger cymbals and a goat on the beach in Southern India), she says, "You have a surprise when you get home!" I said, "I know. A cupcake. Is it red velvet?" She says, "No. Chocolate."
I'm a little disappointed, but still. It's a surprise cupcake.
Then I get home. As I do my new "cross, step, hip lock" move into the house, I ask, "Where's my cupcake?"
E: On the TV.
S: (to myself) Weird place for a chocolate cupcake.
(to E) I don't see it.
E: Look at the screen.
S: Oh!
People, my cupcake is not a cupcake. It is the new Harry Potter game for Wii.
Now. Here is my schedule for the next two weeks:
Today (Tuesday) - I have taken the day off to do some packing and prepare for my trip.
Wednesday - Saturday I am in Key Largo producing a Meeting/Golf Outing for some rich corporation guys who want to use the private jet to go play golf in Florida so they created a "meeting" so that the company will pay for it all. (Brilliant work boys.)
I arrive at JFK at 6PM Saturday, so my only weekend day is Sunday.
Monday - Work
Tuesday - The Closing so Erica and I will be in a room signing papers and checks the whole day.
Wednesday - Friday - Work
Saturday is the move to the new place.
Do you see the dilemma? I have today, 7pm Saturday through 8am Monday morning, then evenings for the rest of the week to finish packing everything in the apartment. Why isn't Erica helping you ask? Because, I think I mentioned this before, I am a control freak and made a deal with her. "I'll pack everything if you'll just stay out of the way."
A good deal for all involved. Until she threw the Harry Potter monkey wrench into the mix. Now, not only do I have my blog to distract me (as it is obviously doing right now), I have Harry Potter calling me. Is she testing me? Is she sabotaging me? She says it was a gift, but, it feels a little sinister. Or, did she really get it for herself so that she can torture me by playing while I bubble wrap vases?
I'm going to try to hold on today and focus on the task at hand. But I'm telling you, I feel I am owed a cupcake.
what if you packed the Wii??
Oh Flea. That's crazy talk.
"goat on the beach in Southern
Didn't they teach you how to cite sources in that high level English graduate program where you had your own office?
Cameron, HeatherJeanne. Year or So In Mumbai nee Bombay. India: 12 Traditions, 1994.
Well, actually mine was a sheep. So you can still run with the cymbal version. And you're doomed with the HP (Harry Potter. not Higher Power) game. I've had all of them and they've shaved off at least 3 years from my life.
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