
My Famous Friend Kendra!

My friend Kendra is a world-renowned filmmaker and the latest production from her film company, Cherry Films is out of control!
(That's right. I'm friends with Kendra of Cherry Films. What?)

(In fact she wrote me a personal email.)

Our animated video for the Indigo Girls will be airing for the first time on the Logo channel THIS Sunday at midnight!!!!

It's called "Rock and Roll Heaven's Gate." Keep your eye out for it! And once it's aired PLEASE vote for it at the following link so it gets shown more! http://www.logoonline.com/music/

Thank you sooooooooo much!

Kendra, Carrie and Tricia (Cherry Films)


(A personal bulk email. Whatever.)

So, I'm passing it on to those of you who know Logo Channel. And if you don't, who cares? You don't have to watch to vote ... you know how these things work. It's just like when I was elected Miss Baldwin 1992 at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton, Georgia. It's a popularity contest. I was most popular then (Believe that.) and Cherry Films and Kendra want to be most popular now. So. logoonline.com/music/. Rock and Roll Heaven's Gate. Three minutes tops. Boom. Done.

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