
Dear Netflix, Can I please get my porn back?

Erica and I are moving and I asked to be in charge of all packing. I am a huge control freak and as I've mentioned before, I have a need to organize and list every item that is packed as well as number the boxes with a code that indicates where the movers should put each box.

So, I've been on a kick of getting something move-related done every morning before work and every evening to keep the process going and to hopefully avoid a huge last minute rush.

Yesterday morning was "make the move to cancel the Netflix account". Our DVD player is currently disconnected and on a pile of boxes. The three DVD's we had at home have been sitting on the table for almost a month, so we decided to stop Netflix until we're in the new place and have the DVD player back up and running. Step one for stopping Netflix ... return videos. Easy enough.

I pack them up and drop them in the mail on my way to work. Then. This morning as I'm organizing things on the table which has become the hold-all for miscellaneous items that haven't been packed, but don't currently have a home either. What do I see? Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang. One of the Netflix DVDs. I'm confused at first, then it hits me.

There had been another disc sitting there. The porn.

Don't judge me people. I know we're not the only people with porn.

Of course, we no longer have porn. Because I mailed it to Netflix.


flea said...

A dear friend of mine made this request, in dire circumstances that my mother comes to town and I am incapacitated....whatever you do...."hide my pot and my porn" just let me know where you hide the pot since the porn is on the coffee table, and I'm your girl.

Anonymous said...

That is sooo funny. I have both Netflix and the porn version http://www.sugaradultdvd.com and I have totally done that before. I've sent the wrong DVDs to the wrong place!!! But they are always nice about it.

Susan said...

www.sugaradultdvd.com? Are you kidding? I can not wait to become a member.