People, what am i going to do when we move and I'm only two blocks from the train? Where will I do my writing?
It's the first 20 minutes of my daily commute every day where I come up with my best material. It goes like this:
Walk to train = Idea hits me and I start writing in my head.
Get on train & find a seat = Write story down in journal.
Get to work (usually an hour & 1/2 late) = Post story in blog.
I need that morning walk. More than that ... YOU need that morning walk. I guess I'll just have to walk to a more distant subway stop. But ... what about snow? Winter's coming people and cold and snow suck. I'm really starting to worry for all of you. What will you read if the winter takes away my blog mojo? This blog depends on my intricate blogging process which includes, nay, demands that 20 minute walk.
Here's how this blog started on this morning's 20 minute walk:
I leave home, go to Mazzola's for coffee and a cheese croissant. Then I put my iPod on and select Chris Brown's Kiss Kiss. (please note how current my music is these days)
In Kiss Kiss, Chris sings, "we're parking lot pimpin'. And I think about the Winn Dixie parking lot in Fitzgerald, Georgia, where as a teen, I, your beloved Princess, parking lot pimped.
My thought process takes off from here:
Parking lot pimping happens in Fitzgerald, Georgia because there is no where else to go.
Someone should go to Fitzgerald and create a place for those kids.
Anyone intelligent and capable enough to do it would become suicidal having to be in Fitzgerald, Georgia for any amount of time.
That's too bad and explains why things probably aren't ever going to change there.
Parents in NYC are so much hipper to trends and modern sensibilities than other parents.
I am so glad I live in New York.
My life is amazing!
I was at a gallery opening with some of the most amazing artwork ever and ended up at the after party talking to an Oscar nominated actress about her shoes. Because that's the kind of stuff that happens in New York.
That and that guy who stopped me on the street to tell me about a Honeymooner's episode because I giggled when he yelled at his friend, "And, I'm calling Bellevue 'cause you're nuts!"
I could cry over how in love with my life I am.
Does Oprah feel like this?
The blog makes me so happy and I love writing!
HRH and I are great writers.
The blog is our thing! Not the book.
I need those Diesel boots on Zappos.com.
What am I going to do about writing when I only have two blocks to walk to the subway?
I remember that subway stop. I used taxis instead because your directions were 'keep walking straight. keep walking. keep walking. then when you think you've passed it and don't want to keep walking.......keep walking'
I love my life too! Big hawaiian Sammy (of 'hi, I'm Sammy, I'm an alcoholic and I'm friends with Heather, so shut the fuck up - here are the 12 Traditions...') emailed me from vacation in Colorado to say he loved my newsletter.
I love Sammy. I love your life. I love my life. I even love those boots.
Here is an idea Princess. DON'T change your clock. This will give you a whole hour to compose, post and still make it to work on time.
those are some fine ass booties! hows about you walk to the F on 4th ave..............am ALWAYS thinking for ya!
This is funny stuff...you have fishworld down to a science...and yes there is alot of parking lot pimpin that goes down here...thats how I found my hubby...haha...yes thats how we find people in the south...and the "dirts"...princess don't forget about the dirts...
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